Arduino repeatedly fails windows install


I recently got a Duemilanove board with the Atmega128 chip. I installed it on my PC laptop without much problem (FTDI drivers and all that), but was having standard issues with COM ports and et cetera. After trying and failing to upload many times I thought a computer restart would fix the problem. Now, whenever I connect the device it says it is "malfunctioning" and refuses to install drivers. I was afraid I had broken the Arduino somehow, so I tried setting it up on my desktop computer. The same course of events happened - it installed correctly, I fiddled trying to make it connect (I think Daemon Tools was interfering with the COM search or something), and now it has the same problem. All the install guides I see say to just let the windows installer take care of the drivers.

Well, that's not working for me. Every time I hook it up it won't allow me to install drivers for it, or uninstall the previous FTDI drivers (FTDIUNINST.EXE doesn't do JACK). I have no way to proceed.

Please help!