Arduino resetting every 5 seconds


I have an issue where my arduino resets every 5 seconds. I know its 5 seconds more so because I count up to 5 after my windows OS makes its little, "USB Device disconnected" sound, the dew doo sound.

I think I may have uploaded a watchdog timer interrupt and now I can't get it to stop? How can I override this? I know there is a way to put the arduino into an infinite reset, I think by connecting reset to ground. Could I put reset to 5v and it would keep the whole thing from resetting?

Please help, this is super annoying hearing this sound every 5 seconds.

Hold down the reset button until the upload starts (you should see a blink on the RX light). Then release the reset button. This should allow you to upload a simple sketch that doesn't reset.

worked, thanks buddy!