Okay so having put more time into this, I've just found that all that was missing from RuudJoosten's sketch above is this line right after '#include <MIDI.h>'
So this is his work from above with the extra line added in to get past the scope error:
// include MIDI library
#include <MIDI.h>
byte noteByte; //Note to send to application
byte velocityByte; //Speed of buttonpress (used in midi buttons capable of measuring force) In regular buttons this is the max MIDI value.
// Set pin number for variable
int pushButton2 = 2;
// Set state of button to unpressed
int buttonState2 = 0;
// This variable prevents a button from being pressed more than once per press (a button might send a signal multiple times when being pressed)
int note2 = 0;
// set analog values to 0
int analogValue_1 = 0;
int analogValue_2 = 0;
// Maximum MIDI value is 127. To notice change, even if first value is 127, the last value is set to 128
int lastanalogValue_1 = 128;
int lastanalogValue_2 = 128;
void setup() {
// 115200 Hairless MIDI Serial Bridge baud rate
pinMode(pushButton2, INPUT);
void loop() {
// Read state of button (is it pressed?)
int buttonState2 = digitalRead(pushButton2);
delay(1); //This delay is required to prevent a failure of "MIDI.sendControlChange"
// Analog potentiometer
// Potentiometer gives values up to 1023. MIDI signal ranges from 0 to 127, therefor we devide by 8.
int analogValue_1 = analogRead(A0) / 8;
int analogValue_2 = analogRead(A1) / 8;
// Potentiometer could be too sensitive and give different (+-1) values.
// Check if the last value is more than this minor fluctuation, if so send the signal.
if ((analogValue_1 - lastanalogValue_1) > 1 || (analogValue_1 - lastanalogValue_1) < -1) {
// Has the value changed?
if (analogValue_1 != lastanalogValue_1) {
// More info: Arduino MIDI Library: MIDI_Class Class Reference
// Send serial value (ControlNumber 1, ControlValue = analogValue_1, Channel 1)
MIDI.sendControlChange(1, analogValue_1, 1);
lastanalogValue_1 = analogValue_1; //Set the current value as the last value
if ((analogValue_2 - lastanalogValue_2) > 1 || (analogValue_2 - lastanalogValue_2) < -1) {
// Has the value changed?
if (analogValue_2 != lastanalogValue_2) {
MIDI.sendControlChange(2, analogValue_2, 1);
lastanalogValue_2 = analogValue_2;
// Button 2
// When button pressed:
if (buttonState2 == HIGH) {
// If note is not playing (first time recieving a button press signal)
if (note2 == 0) {
// Play note (note number, velocity, channel)
// more info: Arduino MIDI Library: MIDI_Class Class Reference
// MIDI notes chart http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/notes.html
// Play note 55 = G3, 127 = trigger note with max volume
MIDI.sendNoteOn(55, 127, 1);
// Note is now playing (Set note to 1, so that this function can not reactivate while keeping the button pressed)
note2 = 1;
// When the button is released
} else {
// If the note is playing
if (note2 == 1) {
// Stop playing the note
MIDI.sendNoteOff(55, 0, 1);
// Set note back to 0 so you can reactivate it
note2 = 0;
delay(1); // Delay to keep everything working smoothly
Again this was all RuudJoosten's contribution, having added in that last line it was uploading and working perfectly. I'm using his tutorial for the pc set up of things. Thanks again! {^_^} b