Arduino robot: upload of sketches fails

I wonder can anyone help, as I'm stumped trying to get a new Arduino robot to work as expected.

When first powered up, the expected out-of-the-box Hello_User sketch did not run.

I've uploaded several different sketches from the Robot_Control examples, and none seem to be run (IDE version 1.0.6, running on Fedora) despite the IDE reporting that it's "Done Uploading".

I've selected "Arduino Robot Control" under Tools->Board and ticked /dev/ttyS0 under Tools->Serial Port.

Is there any expected visual confirmation on the board side that the upload has succeeded? (e.g. blinking LEDs)

Is there any way of checking directly what sketch the bootloader will try to run? (i.e. what sketch, if any, is currently resident in memory)

Does the fact that the out-of-the-box sketch didn't run suggest that my unit is faulty?

Thanks in advance for any help!

More information on the issue, after enabling verbose logging, seems that avrdude is failing with:

" Programmer Type : butterfly
Description : Atmel AppNote AVR109 Boot Loader

Connecting to programmer: .avrdude: Send: . [1b]
avrdude: Send: S [53]
avrdude: ser_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding"

Any ideas on the root cause of the programmer not responding?

which board you are using ???
If you using Arduino Uno & uploaded blink example you must find LED must blinking

Here all uses windows7 & windowsxp. Its better you can try over OS these to get response.

When you upload blink example What error you are getting>> can you put screen shot

Thanks for the response! :slight_smile:

The board is the Robot_Control board from the Arduino Robot, which I believe is similar to the Leonardo board.

I don't have a Windows machine to try unfortunately (only Fedora).

Trying the Blink sketch gives exactly the same error as above, here is the full verbose output reported by the IDE when I try to upload the sketch.

By seeing error report it might you need to change avrdude file.

It available in location. Please change the file.Keep old file saved in other location


change also boards.txt

D:\arduino-1.0.1\arduino-1.0.1\hardware\arduino (24.3 KB) (1.86 KB)