I have trawled the internet for hours to find a solution to my project and believe Arduino is the answer.
Send a set of Pelco D commands to a PTZ camera repeatedly to create a tour function. (Move the camera to preset positions)
Can someone advise if this is possible and outline the basic steps/hardware and type of code needed to complete.
I install CCTV and would like to learn some cool stuff in the electronics world. With just a few hours of research into Arduino I am a COMPLETE beginner. Please help.
If this device is possible it may come in handy for some jobs I have come across where it is not economical for the customer to upgrade a complete system when the PTZ controls fail. Old equipment works on closed source protocol and the new equipment using Pelco D will not activate a tour of the PTZ. So some way of sending constant commands to a PTZ would be perfect.
This led me into the research now I have the bug to just try and do it for fun!
Would a uno r3 board and Max485 work to send RS-485 commands?
Then figuring out the code to convert to Pelco D protocol and send out repeatedly.
I am on the verge of doing a similar project myself. If you're still interested and would like updates here, let me know.
The plan is to use an arduino and the lcd shield with up/down/left/right buttons for the controller. The initial system will have an rs-485 shield connected to the PTZ camera. For the subsequent iteration, the controller will have an NRF24L01 shield communicating with a 'client' arduino, NRF24L01 and rs485, connected to the camera.
I just moved into a building that has had multiple cable providers, so there is abundant coax in place. It also has unused cat-3 cabling throughout that might work for the rs-485, but then again maybe not.
As with any wireless installation, it is possible to know how well propogation will work prior to installation only if you have $10,000 worth of equipment. I will be going with the experiment-with-placement option.
You have to know the PELCO-D commands your camera supports and the responses it provides after receivieng a command. I think the outgoing command is something like 7 bytes of data and you get a 4 byte response.
Your camera provider should have a Programming Guide or Manual that details the supported commands.