Hieronder een mogelijke oplossing.
In plaats van het activaren van de remlichten als je het commando ontvangt houd je alleen bij of derem lichten geactiveerd moeten worden. Ik gebruik daarvoor een bool in loop()
void loop()
// sterretje
bool breakOn = false;
Als je nu het commando ontvangt voor de remlichten, zet je die variabele true of false maar je doet verder niks met de achterlichten
//Brake lights channel 2 .
results = channels[1];
if ((channels[2] >= 970) && (channels[2] <= 1010))
// sterretje
breakOn = true;
//digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
Serial.println("Brake light");
// sterretje
breakOn = false;
//digitalWrite(7, LOW);
Nu kun je bij het in/uit schakelen van de koplampen en de achterlichten bepalen wat er moet gebeuren met de achterlichten.
//head and tail lights Channel 6
results = channels[1];
if (channels[6] > 1800)
// head lights on
analogWrite(6, 100);
Serial.println("head and tail light");
// sterretje
// not breaking
if (breakOn == false)
// tail lights on
analogWrite(8, 100);
// breaking
// tail lights bright
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
// head lights off
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
// sterretje
// not breaking
if (breakOn == false)
// tail lights off
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
// breaking
// tail lights bright
digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
Ik weet niets van de Futuba SBUS; programma compileert maar ik kan het niet testen.
Nadat je het bovenstaande getest hebt, een opmerking. Je gebruikt magische nummers voor de pinnen. Dat is niet zo handig:
- Als je b.v. een pin wilt wijzigen moet je dat op verschillen plekken doen en er is altijd de mogelijkheid dat je er eentje vergeet.
- Je hebt veel meer kans dat je een fout maakt.
Je hebt het min-of-meer goed gedaan met #define RAWR 2
en #define RAWL 4
maar later gebruik je weer 2 en 4 in pinMode()
. Ik stel voor dat je de volgende verandering aanbrengt
#define RAWR 2
#define RAWL 4
ezLED rawr(RAWR); // create ezLED object
ezLED rawl(RAWL); // create ezLED object
#define rxPin 19
const uint8_t pinRawRechts = 2;
const uint8_t pinRawLinks = 4;
const uint8_t pinAchteruitrijlicht = 5;
const uint8_t pinKoplamp = 6;
const uint8_t pinAchterlicht = 8;
const uint8_t pinDbg1 = 9;
const uint8_t pinDbg2 = 10;
const uint8_t pinDbg3 = 11;
const uint8_t pinDbg4 = 12;
const uint8_t pinDbg5 = 13;
ezLED rawr(pinRawRechts); // create ezLED object
ezLED rawl(pinRawLinks); // create ezLED object
En vervolgens overal gebruik maakt van die namen.
Verder is het te adviseren van pin 19 af te blijven als je Serial1 gebruikt; ik vermoed dat dat een overblijfsel is van eerdere code met SoftwareSerial. Hieronder volledige programma met beide wijzigingen.
/* ROBOTmaker 28.12.2016
* This example decodes a Futaba SBUS or compatible stream and convert it to soft switches or PPM.
* Thanks goes to https://www.ordinoscope.net/index.php/Electronique/Protocoles/SBUS for the arduino code which was converted to for our use
* It is based on a verion found :
* - https://github.com/zendes/SBUS
* - http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=99708.0
* - https://mbed.org/users/Digixx/notebook/futaba-s-bus-controlled-by-mbed/
* There are some inexpensibe SBUS to PPM decoders, such as
* http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__37953__frsky_4_channel_s_bus_to_pwm_decoder.html
* This code is more a proof of concept than a real alternative.
*Further details on our website:
* This code uses the RX0 as input. It's not possible to use a software serial port, because
* there are too many conflicting interrupts between serial input and PWM generation.
* Since RX0 is also used to communicate with the FTDI, the SBUS must be disconnected while
* flashing the Arduino.
* Furthermore, the SBUS uses an inverted serial communication. Why should the Futaba designers of the SBUS make life simple when
* it's so much fun to make it more difficult? Inverting the signal is easy and can be done with a simple transistor / resistor (see our website) or an inverter:
* http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__24523__ZYX_S_S_BUS_Connection_Cable.html
* (the shortest end goes to the receiver, the longest to the Arduino)
* Alternatively, if you use an X4R you can tap directly into the inverted signal provided on the PCB for a side connector. Details of how to do this are on our website.
* See http://www.robotmaker.eu/ROBOTmaker/quadcopter-3d-proximity-sensing/sbus-graphical-representation
* The code works on an Arduino Pro Mini. It will probably work on others too, but I haven't tried on other versions yet
* Ensure to Download the library -> <SoftwareSerial.h> and <Servo.h> via the Arduino IDE otherwise the code won't compile
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//#include <SoftwareServo.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <ezLED.h> // ezLED library
#define RAWR 2
#define RAWL 4
ezLED rawr(RAWR); // create ezLED object
ezLED rawl(RAWL); // create ezLED object
#define rxPin 19
const uint8_t pinRawRechts = 2;
const uint8_t pinRawLinks = 4;
const uint8_t pinAchteruitrijlicht = 5;
const uint8_t pinKoplamp = 6;
const uint8_t pinAchterlicht = 8;
const uint8_t pinDbg1 = 9;
const uint8_t pinDbg2 = 10;
const uint8_t pinDbg3 = 11;
const uint8_t pinDbg4 = 12;
const uint8_t pinDbg5 = 13;
ezLED rawr(pinRawRechts); // create ezLED object
ezLED rawl(pinRawLinks); // create ezLED object
Servo myservo8; // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position
int Brakelight = 0;
//Not used in the Demo
//Servo myservo9; // create servo object to control a servo
//Servo myservo10; // create servo object to control a servo
//Servo myservo11; // create servo object to control a servo
//SoftwareSerial InvertedSerialPort = SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin, true); //(Tx,TX, Inverted mode ping this device uses inverted signaling
//For Piezo Buzzer
// Setup
void setup()
//The pins on the Arduino need to be defined. In this demo pin 9-13 are used. Pin 13 is the LED on the Arduino which is
//a simple mehod for debugging. The demo turns this on when the Channel 1 (often used for throttle) exceeds a predefined SBUS level.
pinMode(pinRawRechts, OUTPUT); //Richtingaanwijzer links
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(pinRawLinks, OUTPUT); //Richtingaanwijzer rechts
pinMode(pinAchteruitrijlicht, OUTPUT); //Achteruitrijlicht
pinMode(pinKoplamp, OUTPUT); //Koplampen
pinMode(pinAchterlicht, OUTPUT); //achterlicht
pinMode(pinDbg1, OUTPUT); //Debug with LED
pinMode(pinDbg2, OUTPUT); //Debug with LED
pinMode(pinDbg3, OUTPUT); //Debug with LED
pinMode(pinDbg4, OUTPUT); //Debug with LED
pinMode(pinDbg5, OUTPUT); //Debug with LED
Serial1.begin(100000, SERIAL_8E2); //The SBUS is a non standard baud rate which can be confirmed using an oscilloscope
rawr.blink(500, 500); // 500ms ON, 500ms OFF, blink immediately
rawl.blink(500, 500); // 500ms ON, 500ms OFF, blink immediately
// Loop
void loop()
bool breakOn = false;
//Declare the variabes
static byte buffer[25];
static int channels[18];
static int errors = 0;
static bool failsafe = 0;
static int idx;
static unsigned long last_refresh = 0;
static int lost = 0;
byte b;
int i;
int redPin = 3;
int greenPin = 5;
int bluePin = 6;
word results;
//Check the serial port for incoming data
//This could also be done via the serialEvent()
if (Serial1.available())
b = Serial1.read();
//this is a new package and it' not zero byte then it's probably the start byte B11110000 (sent MSB)
//so start reading the 25 byte package
if (idx == 0 && b != 0x0F)
{ // start byte 15?
// error - wait for the start byte
buffer[idx++] = b; // fill the buffer with the bytes until the end byte B0000000 is recived
if (idx == 25)
{ // If we've got 25 bytes then this is a good package so start to decode
idx = 0;
if (buffer[24] != 0x00)
// Serial.println("Found Packet");
// 25 byte packet received is little endian. Details of how the package is explained on our website:
channels[1] = ((buffer[1] | buffer[2] << 8) & 0x07FF);
channels[2] = ((buffer[2] >> 3 | buffer[3] << 5) & 0x07FF);
channels[3] = ((buffer[3] >> 6 | buffer[4] << 2 | buffer[5] << 10) & 0x07FF);
channels[4] = ((buffer[5] >> 1 | buffer[6] << 7) & 0x07FF);
channels[5] = ((buffer[6] >> 4 | buffer[7] << 4) & 0x07FF);
channels[6] = ((buffer[7] >> 7 | buffer[8] << 1 | buffer[9] << 9) & 0x07FF);
channels[7] = ((buffer[9] >> 2 | buffer[10] << 6) & 0x07FF);
channels[8] = ((buffer[10] >> 5 | buffer[11] << 3) & 0x07FF);
channels[9] = ((buffer[12] | buffer[13] << 8) & 0x07FF);
channels[10] = ((buffer[13] >> 3 | buffer[14] << 5) & 0x07FF);
channels[11] = ((buffer[14] >> 6 | buffer[15] << 2 | buffer[16] << 10) & 0x07FF);
channels[12] = ((buffer[16] >> 1 | buffer[17] << 7) & 0x07FF);
channels[13] = ((buffer[17] >> 4 | buffer[18] << 4) & 0x07FF);
channels[14] = ((buffer[18] >> 7 | buffer[19] << 1 | buffer[20] << 9) & 0x07FF);
channels[15] = ((buffer[20] >> 2 | buffer[21] << 6) & 0x07FF);
channels[16] = ((buffer[21] >> 5 | buffer[22] << 3) & 0x07FF);
channels[17] = ((buffer[23]) & 0x0001) ? 2047 : 0;
channels[18] = ((buffer[23] >> 1) & 0x0001) ? 2047 : 0;
failsafe = ((buffer[23] >> 3) & 0x0001) ? 1 : 0;
if ((buffer[23] >> 2) & 0x0001) lost++;
//serialPrint (lost); debg the signals lost
//For this demo, the corresponding channels mapped below need to be also configured on the FrSky Taranis tranmitter accordingly.
//Any of the Channels can of course be used trigger any of the pins on the Arduino
//Channels used in the demo are 5,6,7. Mapped these to the sliders on the transmitter to change RGB LED values
//Channel 1 set to trigger the Internal Arduino LED on pin 13 once the threshold exceeds 1500
//Channel 10 needs to be mapped to one of the switches on the Taranis which triggers a buzzer on pin 10 of the Arduino
//Channel 1 also triggers a servo connected to pin 8 on the Arduino. So moving the throttle will also move the servo accordingly
//Turn on right Indicator lights if channel 1 (Steering) moves right.
results = channels[1];
if (channels[1] < 400)
rawr.loop(); // MUST call the led1.loop() function in loop()
Serial.println("RAW R");
digitalWrite(pinRawRechts, LOW);
//Turn on left Indicator lights if channel 1 (Steering) moves left.
results = channels[1];
if (channels[1] > 1800)
rawl.loop(); // MUST call the led1.loop() function in loop()
Serial.println("RAW L");
digitalWrite(pinRawLinks, LOW);
/* / //Turn on hazard lights if channel 11 exceeds 1500
Serial1.write (results);
if (channels[11] > 1800){
rawl.loop(); // MUST call the led1.loop() function in loop()
rawl.loop(); // MUST call the led1.loop() function in loop()
Serial.println ("RAW hazard");
if (channels[11] < 1000){
rawl.cancel(); // MUST call the led1.loop() function in loop()
rawl.cancel(); // MUST call the led1.loop() function in loop()
//Brake lights channel 2 .
results = channels[1];
if ((channels[2] >= 970) && (channels[2] <= 1010))
breakOn = true;
Serial.println("Brake light");
breakOn = false;
//Back up lights channel 2 .
results = channels[1];
if (channels[2] < 970)
digitalWrite(pinAchteruitrijlicht, HIGH);
Serial.println("Back up light");
digitalWrite(pinAchteruitrijlicht, LOW);
//head and tail lights Channel 6
results = channels[1];
if (channels[6] > 1800)
// head lights on
analogWrite(pinKoplamp, 100);
Serial.println("head and tail light");
// not breaking
if (breakOn == false)
// tail lights on
analogWrite(pinAchterlicht, 100);
// breaking
// tail lights bright
digitalWrite(pinAchterlicht, HIGH);
// head lights off
digitalWrite(pinKoplamp, LOW);
// not breaking
if (breakOn == false)
// tail lights off
digitalWrite(pinAchterlicht, LOW);
// breaking
// tail lights bright
digitalWrite(pinAchterlicht, HIGH);
//Drive a Servo connected to channel 1 (which is mapped to thrust if you are using Mode 2)
//Servo connected to pin 8 on the Arduino
//Turn on or off a buzzer. Channel 10 is mapped to switch SH.
// Buzzer connected to pin 10 on Arduino
//if (channels[10] > 1500){
// digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
// }
// else
// {
// digitalWrite(10, LOW);
// }
} //closing - else
} //closing - if (idx == 25)
} //closing - if (Serial.available ())
} //closing void loop