Hello, I've been working on a project for school and we need to use I2C sensors with an Arduino UNO. The program that our group has written allows us to display readings from a light sensor (TCS3472) and verify that its connected. The SCL clock and SDA are working properly although the SCL clock falling edge lines up at the SDA leading edge. A problem has a occurred with being able to detect the I2C sensor itself. The data is being transmitted to the device yet it won't read and the values that are being displayed in the serial monitor are all at maximum possible. I just need some help if anybody has any ideas. I posted the code below.
BM017_Arduino_color_sensing: This program interfaces to the AMS TCS34725 color light
to digital converter IC. It uses the Arduino I2C interface.
Schematics associated with the BM017 module may be used for hardware wiring information.
See the user datasheet at www.solutions-cubed.com for additional information.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Math.h>
byte i2cWriteBuffer[10];
byte i2cReadBuffer[10];
#define SensorAddressWrite 0x29 //
#define SensorAddressRead 0x29 //
#define EnableAddress 0xa0 // register address + command bits
#define ATimeAddress 0xa1 // register address + command bits
#define WTimeAddress 0xa3 // register address + command bits
#define ConfigAddress 0xad // register address + command bits
#define ControlAddress 0xaf // register address + command bits
#define IDAddress 0xb2 // register address + command bits
#define ColorAddress 0xb4 // register address + command bits
Send register address and the byte value you want to write the magnetometer and
loads the destination register with the value you send
void Writei2cRegisters(byte numberbytes, byte command)
byte i = 0;
Wire.beginTransmission(SensorAddressWrite); // Send address with Write bit set
Wire.write(command); // Send command, normally the register address
for (i=0;i<numberbytes;i++) // Send data
delayMicroseconds(100); // allow some time for bus to settle
Send register address to this function and it returns byte value
for the magnetometer register's contents
byte Readi2cRegisters(int numberbytes, byte command)
byte i = 0;
Wire.beginTransmission(SensorAddressWrite); // Write address of read to sensor
delayMicroseconds(100); // allow some time for bus to settle
Wire.requestFrom(SensorAddressRead,numberbytes); // read data
i2cReadBuffer[i] = Wire.read();
delayMicroseconds(100); // allow some time for bus to settle
void init_TCS34725(void)
i2cWriteBuffer[0] = 0x10;
Writei2cRegisters(1,ATimeAddress); // RGBC timing is 256 - contents x 2.4mS =
i2cWriteBuffer[0] = 0x00;
Writei2cRegisters(1,ConfigAddress); // Can be used to change the wait time
i2cWriteBuffer[0] = 0x00;
Writei2cRegisters(1,ControlAddress); // RGBC gain control
i2cWriteBuffer[0] = 0x03;
Writei2cRegisters(1,EnableAddress); // enable ADs and oscillator for sensor
void get_TCS34725ID(void)
if (i2cReadBuffer[0] == 0x44)
Serial.println("TCS34725 is present");
Serial.println("TCS34725 not responding");
Reads the register values for clear, red, green, and blue.
void get_Colors(void)
unsigned int clear_color = 0;
unsigned int red_color = 0;
unsigned int green_color = 0;
unsigned int blue_color = 0;
clear_color = (unsigned int)(i2cReadBuffer[1]<<8) + (unsigned int)i2cReadBuffer[0];
red_color = (unsigned int)(i2cReadBuffer[3]<<8) + (unsigned int)i2cReadBuffer[2];
green_color = (unsigned int)(i2cReadBuffer[5]<<8) + (unsigned int)i2cReadBuffer[4];
blue_color = (unsigned int)(i2cReadBuffer[7]<<8) + (unsigned int)i2cReadBuffer[6];
// send register values to the serial monitor
Serial.print("clear color=");
Serial.print(clear_color, DEC);
Serial.print(" red color=");
Serial.print(red_color, DEC);
Serial.print(" green color=");
Serial.print(green_color, DEC);
Serial.print(" blue color=");
Serial.println(blue_color, DEC);
// Basic RGB color differentiation can be accomplished by comparing the values and the largest reading will be
// the prominent color
if((red_color>blue_color) && (red_color>green_color))
Serial.println("detecting red");
else if((green_color>blue_color) && (green_color>red_color))
Serial.println("detecting green");
else if((blue_color>red_color) && (blue_color>green_color))
Serial.println("detecting blue");
Serial.println("color not detectable");
void setup() {
TWBR =152;
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial for output
get_TCS34725ID(); // get the device ID, this is just a test to see if we're connected
void loop() {