Arduino send email on detection door switch

Ok I have checked alot about this. How to send email when I get on first digital input 5V.
There are many solution I need the most simple one.
just to send email when one of input get signal.
but I have one more request. Email should only be send out when this file on my werb server exist. Like below
if this file doesn't exist than mail should not be send out.
which arduino should I use?
Can I use arduino nano with wifi or lan module?
Should I use arduino uno with wifi?
or maybe ESP32?
any advice how do I start woul be appreciated.
Thank you

Out of your list, the ESP32 probably the easiest to do that.

and if you need a web server for configuration

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thank you for info
what about that file
how to implement this in code, to start sending emails out only when this file exist.
when it doesn't it will not send email out.

Poor combination! Too many pieces involved!


An ESP8266 module - such as a WeMOS D1 Mini or just a ESP-01 though this requires a 3.3 V supply - would do just fine. :sunglasses:

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