Hello everyone,
I am currently working on a project using an Arduino Uno board and HC-05 Bluetooth module and a flexiforce(25lb) pressure sensor. I am still pretty new to this so i could use some help. I am trying to transfer data from the pressure sensor to my macbook pro through the bluetooth. I am having a problem pairing the Bluetooth module to my mac its not coming up on list of bluetooth devices. I already have configured the Bluetooth module to be a Master.
any advice on how can i receive the data from the pressure sensor, also if there are any applications for macbook that can do that?
Thank you!
As I understand it Apple uses BLE not traditional Bluetooth.
The HC-05 should operate OK with the Macbook, There was no need to configure it as a master, I bet you aren't using it as a master. This may be the cause of the problem, i.e. just procedural.
You might find the following background notes useful
You should be able to send data to over bluetooth in the same manner that you send it to the serial monitor, and and that is the way that you can prove bluetooth really is the problem. You just need a terminal programme to receive it, and that same terminal programme should be able to timestamp the data and record it.
I am having a problem pairing the Bluetooth module to my mac its not coming up on list of bluetooth devices. I already have configured the Bluetooth module to be a Master.
So you mean to send data, there is no need to set the bluetooth as a master? it just sends and receives both ways??
That's exactly right. You use it as it comes out of the box.
The only thing about being a master is that a master initiates the connection. It has no bearing on the actual communication - in either direction.