I am trying to create a prototype that uses information from sensors to classify mood states. I have prior experience with light sensors on an Arduino Uno, but I would like some suggestions on sensors, especially ones that provide data that is easy to capture and analyze.
mood of what? a person? can you strap EEG probes to their head?
There are some AI applications that claim to do this, that is show someones mood.
But this was totally shot down as BS by Mathematician Hanner Fry
In a video showing how that could not possibly work because the AI "solution" did not involve any context.
It involved a camera taking still images, so not very Arduino relevant.
Here is the video:-
These are easy to measure with availably modules:
- Skin temperature
- GSR (galvanic skin response)
- Heart rate
These sensors out to work for my prototype. I haven’t heard of a galvanic skin response sensor before, but from what i have seen online, it looks like is can be effective in measuring response to stress, which will help as I develop my concept further.
The device I’m trying to create is to try to find objective data for my mood journaling. Right now, I am able to recognize my own mood state with reasonable accuracy, but it relies on feedback from others around me. Using the data from sensors, I can at least not have to rely on verbal feedback from people I’m not always around. I call it a mood classifier, but it is more like me assessing data that I can find anywhere.
Hopefully this explanation makes it more clear, so ask me more questions if there’s others considerations I should take into account.
You need someone else to tell you what mood you're in? You can't tell how you feel? How does someone else know what you feel inside?
My daughter has this ring that changes colors depending on temperature. It's called a mood ring. That is probably about as accurate as you're going to get in this context.
I appreciate the feedback.
I’m not too worried if it doesn’t work. I’m fine with what I have from verbal feedback now, but it’s worth a try to make it easier for others if I can. If this doesn’t work, I can try other ways to achieve my goals.
Those sensors and breathing rate are all used in polygraph testing.
And we all know how accurate thy are.
Don't mix up temperature with mood, two totally different things.
That's what "mood rings" are... thermometers. Mine was always black. I gave it away.
Highly accurate. Depending on what you want to get past the investigators, you set your "mood" for a series of answers and the device records your selected mood diligently.
Sound like you have had experience with such devices.
"Heard it from a friend." The questions have changed drastically in the last few decades, but are often "have you ever" or "what would you do" concerning non-real, but potentially personal experiences, intended to inflict "do you feel guilty for" to track your "mood" ... so putting your mind in the state of "this is good," gets you the job. Many subjects in life are controversial in public, yet practiced by a vast majority of the population in private (and scorned and denied in public). That's the game behind the game.
It's too late you already incriminated yourself.
I don’t know about that Grumpy. I may not know your mood, but I can tell that you’re heated
Nothing criminal transpired, ever. It's recorded as fact.
Jut kidding!