I have recently been trying to configure my arduino to get my Beatbuddy drum machine to talk to my ditto x4 looper.
Currently it will recieve the SysEx clock message without any issues but is not programed to recieve sysex stop and start messages.
It will recieve a stop message on CC29 so i have managed to write a code that transforms the stop sysex message (FC) to cc29 and it is working perfectly. Only issue now is still letting the midi clock flow thru with minimal latency.
If i use: Serial.write(Serial.read());
It is not sending the clock as it comes in but instead sending out a whole lot of F8(clock) messages all at once at regular intervals instead of just flowing thru like i want it to.
Is it possible to "flow" the serial in straight to the serial out without the messages being sent all as a bunch at once every few milliseconds?