Arduino serial output to micro sd card

Does anyone know if it's possible to use the usb serial port to write to a micro-sd card? Thanks.

The very convenient and inexpensive Sparkfun OpenLog will automatically log to the onboard uSD any serial output you can imagine.

OpenLog serial I/O is 3.3V, so be sure to use logic level shifters with a 5V Arduino.

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I'm sorry but your question is as clear as mud to me. Do you mind to elaborate?

One thing to consider is that a SD card uses SPI for communication and the "usb serial port" is not SPI (on most boards it's a UART).


What "USB serial port" ?

You can't just connect an SD Card to a serial port, no.

But you could have an Arduino card with a serial port (USB or otherwise) from which it could receive data (and also commands, if required), and it could then write that data (and/or other data) to an SD Card.

You would need to write code (a "sketch") for all of that.

Or, as @jremington said, there are some ready-made products ...

thank you guys for the help. My questions are answered.

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