Arduino servo & lights with DCC / MM

Hello !

Im completely new to this stuff and I'd be very happy to get some input regarding the project in it self as well as how to implement it as easy as possible (if at all possible)

I have an ideea for the modeltrain comunity that I would like to try.

I would like to use an Arduino with Adafruit's 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver - I2C interface - PCA9685 as "hub's" that can be chainlinked.

The Arduoino interprets the commands coming from a Traincontroller ( like Märklin's CentralStation) or a PC running a Traincontrol software ( like Rocrail ) using the Open DCC project, or something similar, and sends them over the I2C bus to the servo drivers ( hub's).

Each hub can control 16 servos or LED'S or relais. Each channel can be individually programmed
( Functions, LED, relais or Servo, servo movement, servo speed, bundeling and so on.... )

As I understand some parts of the project have already been developed by others but they have to be "put together"....

In addition a GUI (webinterface) to program the servo channels will be needed and I have no clue about how to do that....

Im really looking forward to Your input !

Best Regards