can the arduino duemilanova control a fairly large servo?
do larger servos just have the three wire control system normally used for smaller servos?
i have got a tiny servo going with my arduino for the first time (i was a little more careful second time around , a while ago i ended up burning out the servo), i'm looking to use a larger servo to control a large arm in the x and y planes to amaze my workmates
in theory i guess it shouldn't make any difference, the arduino should be able to control a servo no matter how large it is. the power to the servo would come from elsewhere, the arduino just supplies the signal to the servo and as long as the ground of the arduino is connected to the ground of the other powersupply all will be well...?
ideally the servo would be beyond the RC and have some grunt
i don't really want to spend any great amount of money on the servos any ideas where i could get some cheap AND if its feasible???
if its just for a laugh at work, do i really need a dedicated servo controller and can't i just use the good old arduino milanova instead??
i'm putting together my own handbuilt joystick to control the arm
i have visions of using a small accelerometer board i bought to control the arm ie you move your arm and the robot arm moves too.
I have some projects on the go with arduino and rc receivers, servos and electronic speed controllers. One thing that you might find you need to deal with is lots of electrical noise, I am actively investigating how to mange this for my own projects.
At the moment servo, motor and esc noise looks like a fairly trivial problem which has been solved a thousand times before with a few schottky diodes and generous use of decoupling capacitors. you might want to order these with your servos.
i'll definetely have a look at the australian site's servos
seems to be a bit cheaper/powerful than what i've seen so far
unless anyone else has suggestions
just another thing
by the looks of it you probably need some sort of coupling piece for the servo ie something to extend the shaft a bit to make it useful. the stuff the servo comes with is made from plastic not metal so it looks a little flimsy.
There are metal servo horns and other adapters available. Do note thet there are two different types of teeth on most hobby servos, so you will need to get the one that fits your servo.