Hello i have one of the Color of Oled screens. a friend of mine gave me. So i thought it be cool to make a little smart watch out of it. So i searched online it comes up as a Color Oled SSD1331 94x64 pixels. I found a awesome video on youtube how to set it up because i was having problems with figuring out the wiring can see it here. What i was wondering If i put the arduino to sleep the oled will turn off as well i think. But my problem If i put it to sleep how would i be able to tell the Oled to come back on and refresh? Sense This is a battery project trying to save as much power as i can. Also I'm planing Either using a ESP8266-12 which has SPI on it or a Arduino pro mini with Hc-10 bluetooth module that is low power. I know the ESP is not a good choice because it takes a lot of power. But if i can turn down the Wifi power there is a way i can save a lot of battery on it.
Any help in Guidance would be great. I haven't started this project yet. I just got the basic of wiring it up and testing it only.
hello i didn't find nothing in the library to support sleep. Maybe i didn't understand the library to much and that is my fault. But i did find this here. It's from adafruit forum page someone has figure out a way. I tried a lot of things online and This does work. It doesn't completely shut off the Oled screen. But it puts it into a very very deep sleep down to like 7us micro amps. Which is perfect for a battery project.
I honestly didn't know where to look and find help into you said the library part. Thank you that gave me the idea to search for the library problems. And that's how i found that forum.
Those commands (to deep sleep the display) are clearly visible in the SSD1331 library files and you dont need to understand the detail of the library. Just get in the habit of looking in the *.h or *.cpp files for anything that might do what you want.
Hard to see how a command could completly shut off the display, how would it then respond to a command to turn on again ?