Arduino software stopped working... Multiple libraries folders


My Arduino software stopped working. The program froze after I loaded 3 libraries MPU6050, I2Cdev and Servo something? Since then I get a Launch4j error.

I've searched the forums and followed all the solutions. I have removed the files from the documents folder.

I checked the libraries folder and under it are endless libraries folders. I delete them and they automatically get recreated. Something is programmed wrong and is recreating the folders one under the next.

I have uninstalled the Arduino software, removed all added libraries and deleted the libraries folder but still the error loading and the multiple libraries folder.

I'm totally stuck now and can't program anymore.


Best regards


I checked the libraries folder and under it are endless libraries folders. I delete them and they automatically get recreated. Something is programmed wrong and is recreating the folders one under the next.

Endless? Can you take a screen shot?

Here is a screen shot. When I delete the whole libraries folder it automatically reappears after a few seconds. Very very weird...


The program froze after I loaded 3 libraries MPU6050, I2Cdev and Servo something?

How did you load these libraries? Can you give links to them all please?

I normally wouldn't reply to something this old, but this is a nasty bug and it's still open - see

I found it in 1.0.5.R1 Not sure if it is in in newer versions.