Arduino software synthesizer & step sequencer


I'd like to share the source code and eagle files for my arduino software synthesizer.


You can see it in action here on youtube.


  • 8 instruments, 4 banks à 16 steps each
  • 8 bit wavetable synthesis
  • analog 2pole high pass filter (master channel)
  • single 1284 mcu with Mighty1284 framework
  • techno samples :slight_smile:
  • mostly object oriented C++

Without the arduino community I wouldn't have been able to finish this project, so thank you very much for your help, for the arduino framework and all those how-to articles in the www.

Initially my intention was to build an analog modular synth. After failing hard, I lowered my goal to just build a software synth ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Again: Thank you for your help and I hope I can inspire some of you to build a bigger one with twice as much LED's :slight_smile:



Nice job! That surpasses anthing I have built in 2 years of derp.