Arduino Software Update

The new version Arduino 2.2.1 won't compile my sketch where version 1.8 does. Whats wrong?

What's the error message tell you?

All of this. In version 1.8 there are no errors! My sketch works, but I cant update it.

C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Temp\ccMAbTsZ.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function setup': D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:13: undefined reference to LoRa'
D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:13: undefined reference to LoRa' D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:13: undefined reference to LoRaClass::begin(long)'
C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Temp\ccMAbTsZ.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function loop': D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:21: undefined reference to LoRa'
D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:21: undefined reference to LoRa' D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:21: undefined reference to LoRaClass::parsePacket(int)'
D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:24: undefined reference to LoRa' D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:24: undefined reference to LoRa'
D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:24: undefined reference to LoRaClass::available()' D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:25: undefined reference to LoRa'
D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:25: undefined reference to LoRa' D:\Users\Chris\Documents\Arduino\WP Lora Radios\Lora Active WP Radios\LoraRBC_Master_V1/LoraRBC_Master_V1.ino:25: undefined reference to LoRaClass::read()'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1

Please post the code which compiles on 1.18 but does not compile on 2.2.1.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <LoRa.h>
String Str1 = "";
int AddrV;
int VarV;
int Prs;

void setup() {
while (!Serial);
Serial.println("LoRa Master_1 Started");
if (!LoRa.begin(915E6)) {
Serial.println("Starting Master_1 failed!");
while (1);

void loop() {
// Getting packet from Slave
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) {
Str1 = "";
while (LoRa.available()) {
Str1 = Str1 + (char);
int Chr1 = Str1.indexOf('*');
int Chr2 = Str1.indexOf(',');
String Str2 = Str1.substring(Chr1+1,Chr2);
String Str3 = Str1.substring(Chr2+1);
AddrV = Str2.toInt();
VarV = Str3.toInt();
Prs = 100-(((75-(float)VarV)/75)*100); //0);
Serial.print(" : Str2=");
Serial.print(" : Str3=");
Serial.print(" : Addr=");
Serial.print(" : ValIn=");
Serial.print(" : Level=");
// Serial.print(" : RSSI=");
// Serial.println(LoRa.packetRssi());}

None of my sketches works on v2.2.1!

Looks to me like missing libraries.

Can you run Blink() or any of the ide example sketches with 2.2.1

trying testing

I'm using the old version. It's to annoying to have to struggle for days to try to make new things work while the old works 100%

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