Hey guys!
I am trying to build up a solar powered weather station with my arduino uno.
Programming is not my problem, but the hardware and the electronical skills are missing so please dont be so hard to me It s only an hobby and i am very interested in these topics.
Here is my hardware list:
Solarpanel http://www.watterott.com/de/37-x-66mm-Monocrystalline-Solar-Cell
Battery Lithium Ion Battery - 2Ah - PRT-13855 - SparkFun Electronics
Arduino https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardUno
SolarShield http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Solar-Charger-Shield-V2-p-914.html
My project works if i stack everything togehter, but i want to know if the battery is really charging and read the status regularly to monitor. Also i am very interested how i can measure how much power my solar panel brings. If i extend my project with other sensors, is it possible to measure how much power the arduino is consuming?
so these are my questions:
- how can i measure my lipo battery status
- how can i measure solar panel power
- current power consumed by the project
I already bought a current sensor, but a member in this forum mentioned that this doesnt suits my needs:
To measure the lipo status i read a lot about voltage dividers (to limit the power to 5V), imho my project never goes over 5V and so i dont get the use of it.
This project would be great, if i would find plans how to connect everything and how it works
At the end i want to write a project description with all used hw, plans and everything to guide interested members.
Can u help me and guide me in the right direction?
Danke und Gruß