What I'm trying to do is just print the entire float number but it keeps spliting. Also any ideas on how to get character by character a float number then concatenate it and display? I 'm still working on this project and so
I may post some more changes later.
float incomingByte = 0.00;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);//Prepare serial port for use
Serial.print("Enter floating point between 1000 to -1000:\n");
void loop()
if (Serial.available() > 0)
incomingByte = Serial.parseInt();
if(incomingByte > 1000 || incomingByte < -1000)
Serial.print("Sorry this numebre is out of range\n");
Serial.print("Try again.\n");
//incomingByte = Serial.parseInt();
Serial.println(incomingByte); //without this there is no decimal point
delay(500);//So serial port isn't overwhelmed.