Arduino Starter Kit Suggestions

I'm putting up a starter kit and working on a complete tutorial(based on existing tutorials) from introducing someone to Arduino and taking them upto work with different possibilities. Now i've worked a low-cost starter kit and would like to have some suggestions of other components that can be added to this list. Conditions are that the component should be inexpensive, open up new learning possibilities and should fit on a breadboard.

Here is our current list of components in the Arduino Qucik Start kit we offer

I've decided to add 4 things to the above,
Shift Out Register(perhaps Shift In as well)
External EEPROM


Keypad, maybe.
RFID readers are fun, too.

RFID readers are fun, too.

Yes they are but they could cost... I'm looking at sub $20 for the whole pack :wink:

An introduction to C.
How to use a Resonator or Crystal.
How to use the Arduino without a bootloader.
Scale some of the terminology.
Explain the differences between the Diecimila and the Atmega.

The reason I decided not to buy an Arduino was this forum didn't answer all of my questions.

The reason I decided not to buy an Arduino was this forum didn't answer all of my questions.

well Chuckz you seem to be disappointed... I think you need to understand that most users here are contributing out of their own interest and have no reason to sell you on an arduino... perhaps thats what you are expecting.. this forum unlike many others is not being run by a company to support its products its rather a community of people sharing knowledge... you should buy one and try to work out the answers to your questions... I'm sure once you start trying support will pour in... trust me

as for your pointers, will try and include whatever is possible in the guide i'm making

I think that including an affordable servo is a must for any starter kit.

maybe you could get a volume discount.

+1 for the servo - this is a must.
Small vibration motors are cheap and fun, too.
A Wii nunchuck clone is cheap (9 EUR) and offers a lot.

A decent guide listing stuff to do with all the components, and explanations of how they all work.

I got the starter kit from oomlout: which was pretty good, but I only have a vague understanding of which resistors to use. Their guide could've done with a bit more theory in it.

At the same time I ordered a laser and I've since got an LED matrix. I think they're both cheap enough to add to your kit.
The servo and motor that came with were good too, so you might want to add those.

The RTC is a good choice. A button battery and socket for it would be useful.

I guess you can't include everything though - I think what you've got is pretty good though you're missing out on a motor and/or servo.

edit: and thow in a couple of header strips, more wire and a bag of mounting nuts and bolts. I want to put something I've made in a box but my local hardware shop doesn't stock bolts small enough to mount the LCD.
You'll be able to pick up bits like that really cheaply in bulk, so should'nt change your costs by much.

Their guide could've done with a bit more theory in it.

If you seriously want theory, pick up a copy of Grob's "Basic Electronics" - you'll have more theory than you can shake a stick at!



If you seriously want theory, pick up a copy of Grob's "Basic Electronics" - you'll have more theory than you can shake a stick at!

How much?!?

Well loads of suggestions... thanks everyone...

A decent guide listing stuff to do with all the components, and explanations of how they all work.

Thats my prime objective... thats where i think people get lost(no not talking about those that can learn and do stuff off the internet)

How much?!?

Grob's "Basic Electronics" is essentially "Electronics 101" - it is essentially beginners EE. It is a school textbook (I've seen it used in college syllabuses), so a current edition may or may not be cheap, depending on where you look. But an older edition will do just fine; the majority of the beginning topics covered have not changed much in the past 50 years.

It's been a while since I last looked at it, but it essentially starts out with what an electron is and builds from there, covering voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, the components that implement these concepts, how they are made, how they work (down to an electrochemical level - seriously), what a transistor is and how it works, relays, electromagnets, motors, etc, etc, etc. Toward the end of the edition I have, it starts going into 8-bit CPU TTL interfacing (kinda tells you the age of my edition); but that is really just a beginning - there's other books for that.


Thanks cr0sh, I'll check out some second hand book shops.

Here are possible kits we are planning to release

Quick Starter Kit - Will be Priced at 800/- INR(16-17$)
16 x 2 LCD x1
B.Board x1
Stripper x1
Aligner x1
Hook Up Wire x5
LED x6
MicroSwitch x4
Trimpot x2
ULN x1
LDR x1
LM35 x1
RTC + Oscillator x1
IR Proximity Sensor x1
Shift Register IC x1
Resistor x20
Capacitor x4
Diode x4
Transistor x4
Buzzer x1
USB Cable x1

Add-On Option 1- Will be Priced at 800/- INR(16-17$)
8 x 8 LED Matrix x1
Multimeter x1
LED x10
Switch x4
Potentiometer x2
Crystal x1
7-Segment Led x2
Battery Snapper x1
9V Battery x1
IR LED Pair x2
Key Pad x1
Opto Coupler x1
Piezo Sensor x1
GPB x1

Add-On Option 2 - Motors & Robots - Price yet to be decided

IR Proximity Sensor x2
L298 x1
Stepper Motor x1
12V DC Motor x2
Servo Motor x1
Relay x1
DC Adaptor x1
Chasis - Metal x1
Wheels - Plastic x2
Castor Wheel - Metal x1

Please chip in with your feedback!


Are you kidding me? Other starter packs are $60 to $90 dollars.

How good is shipping to the USA?


I like the looks of the add-on options a lot more than the original pack, lol.
Particularly the first add-on, as it looks to be a semi-random assortment of stuff you can use in almost every project.

How good is shipping to the USA?

Well i really don't. Can get complicated with customs, expensive international shipping, etc. Never did anything like that, though some guys from other countries have asked.



I think you just have to list the contents on a special form which you can get from the post office. A company from Hong Kong shipped to me and they only put one of the products down on the form; they didn't list all of the products. I'm amazed they get a signature requested from Hong Kong and shipping is very cheap unless I want it DHL or Federal Express which I never request.

I think I have to pay tax if it is over a certain amount.

If you asked at the post office, I'm sure it would only take five minutes of your time and it might be worth it to you in the future. I might even order from you in the future and I can even advertise your products to my friends.


Hi chuckz,

unlike hongkong there are a few problems with the post office - firstly nobody is clear as to what category some of the components fall into and what would be required to be able to ship these. I've tried around without much luck and being directed from one place to another. as for comparing to the hongkong post, they seem awesome, i had bought some stuff online and everything was delivered on time and neat packaging. I shall try again.



I would just label it "Hobby Parts", "Arduino" or "Breadboards".

It isn't like we're doing anything illegal and Arduino is far from being top secret. If they don't know what to classify it as then they can correct it because we're not doing anything wrong.
