In October, I have a SHLID that I don't know is compatible with this screen and this screen, and I tried very hard to make this screen work, but I couldn't find enough resources. I used the UTFT library, but it still didn't work, and when I connect it with Arduino Mega, only a white screen appears.
Pictures don't give forum members enough information to help.
Please take a look at the "How to get the best out of this forum" post and follow the directions. Post code, using code tags, post a wiring diagram, and explain where the problems are.
However, you will be MUCH better off buying a screen that is known to work with Arduino, and comes with detailed wiring instructions, and code examples. Hobby suppliers like Adafruit have a wide range of products, with tutorials, and provide excellent customer support.
I don't have any code or documentation, these are the materials I have and I want to achieve this, but I couldn't find enough information.
First hit on google says what library to use!
I think there are many ways to do it, but this is what worked for me. I would start by installing the UTFT library found here:
There is also a manual at the bottom of the page that tells you how to use the library.
If you are interested in using the touch function, I would check out URTouch:
Why did you start another thread on the same problem? Duplicate topic is a violation of the forum rules. You must keep your discussion in the single topic.
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Please do not duplicate your questions as doing so wastes the time and effort of the volunteers trying to help you as they are then answering the same thing in different places.
Please create one topic only for your question and choose the forum category carefully. If you have multiple questions about the same project then please ask your questions in the one topic as the answers to one question provide useful context for the others, and also you won’t have to keep explaining your project repeatedly.
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Thank you.
Check this: http://www.lcdwiki.com
the site is not used
The site is very nice, I looked at it one by one but I don't have a screen.
As mentioned earlier, Adafruit (among others) can help solve that problem.
UTFT myGLCD(CTE40,38,39,40,41);
kodu bununla calsıtırdım ama dokunmatık kararsız tam modelı bulamadım dokundugumda farklı yerı algılıyor
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