Hi everyone,
I want to make a arduino that reads data fron the serial port. Then display it on the screen. I will use a arduino due as i am going to use it with the raspberry pi. My question is how do I do it. Thank you.
That's not a whole lot of info to go on.
What is your current setup?
Who is doing the sending and who is receiving it?
Where is the serial data coming from?
How do you think it is done, are you familiar with the term UART?
My current setup has a raspberry pi sending login information over the UART. The Raspberry Pi sends the information while the Arduino receive it and display it on the screen.
The Arduino does not send any data back but only receives data. Btw will this be possible on a character lcd?
Yes it is possible. In fact you don't really need anything special in terms of wiring, but you will still need to run the arduino on a separate power supply. Just connect the arduino to the pi the same way you would connect it to the computer via USB cable, then look at this Serial port programming - eLinux.org
Yes it is possible. In fact you don't really need anything special in terms of wiring, but you will still need to run the arduino on a separate power supply. Just connect the arduino to the pi the same way you would connect it to the computer via USB cable, then look at this Serial port programming - eLinux.org
I don't think you know what I mean. I want the raspberry pi to output login data so I can use the arduino tft screen sort of like a serial monitor so I can access the shell. There will be a keyboard connected to the arduino due. The arduino due will then send keyboard data to the raspberry pi.
I think the Due doesn't have enough USB ports. It only has one "native" port which can host a keyboard. You are expecting to plug the other USB into a RPi and have it function as a serial port?
Or is the "keyboard" a matrix number pad or something not USB?
I think the Due doesn't have enough USB ports. It only has one "native" port which can host a keyboard. You are expecting to plug the other USB into a RPi and have it function as a serial port?Or is the "keyboard" a matrix number pad or something not USB?
The Raspberry Pi communicates using the UART. There will only be 1 keyboard.
When I get home, I will draw you a diagram.
So you want to turn the Due into a terminal?
I can understand having the Due act as a serial monitor, but having the Due communicate with a keyboard only to then make itself a keyboard for the RPi to see it as a keyboard THEN have the RPi output data to what it thinks is a keyboard.
Did I get that right?
When I get home, I will draw you a diagram.
Please do.
Yea I want the Arduino due to act as a terminal which connect to the raspberry pi over UART. The arduino due is separate from the raspberry pi.
I roughly know how to do the tft lcd part but idk the keyboard part.