Arduino to Smartphone (Bluetooth Connection)

Hello, everybody!
I was looking for a way to communicate via Bluetooth from an Arduino to my smartphone.
First of all, I don't want to use other applications. I have to create mine with "MIT App inventor 2". I also need help with the code: I want to send the data that I get from two ultrasonic sensors to my smartphone from my Arduino UNO board. (eg. if there's an object 3cm away from the fist sensor, then I'll display on my phone: "First sensor = 3cm", and the same will happen for the second sensor)
[Optional: I also would like to send from the Arduino board the position of a servo (by sending to my smartphone the last position I told the servo to go).]

Can someone help me with the code and with the app?
For this project I'm using:

  • Arduino UNO;
  • Servo motor (180°);
  • 2 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors;
  • HC-06 Bluetooth module.

Thanks in advance,

This sounds like you want us to do your homework. You might try your luck on an App Inventor forum for that part, and some basic notes on bluetooth are below

You can prove your Arduino code with the serial monitor first, and then use Bluetooth.