Arduino to standalone?

Ok I was searching for some questions on servos and came upon this thread.

What he asks is.. basically..

You prototype with the arduino and once you have what you want you remove the Atmega chip and use it as a standalone.

For example (for some reason...) You wanted a stand alone system that when you pushed a button a series of LEDS flash.

So you program it into the arduino, get it to work out. Then remove the ATmega chip which ever one you have.
Snap it into a blank PCB wire it up and viola it works; standalone.
Does this work?

If so what pins on the Atmega328 are Analog, Digital, 5v, and GND?

You will need a few external components. This tutorial...

...has helped me to understand how to turn a project "stand-alone".

I've saved some other links that may help...

Thank you! :smiley:

Sorry I forgot to address the second question.

If so what pins on the Atmega328 are Analog, Digital, 5v, and GND?

The best source of that information is straight from the horse's mouth (the Atmel datasheet for the 328)...

The diagram on this page has a helpful reference to arduino pin numbering: