arduino + touchpad


i've 2 questions for you:

  1. I've seen in some videos that someone uses this touchpad , built for nintendo ds but someone connects it to arduino directly, others with resistors.which is the best way???

2)this touchpad is sensible enough to detect inputs from a slide-pression?

thank you very much!!!!!

Smiley Smiley Smiley

There is no need to use resistors, see my mood light project:

If you need any more help then just say :smiley:


touchpad is sensible enough to detect inputs

No its not a sensible touch pad in fact it is quite stupid. :wink:

Try to check

Search for "touch screen" they have many.

From 2.59 $ (US) including free shipping

No its not a sensible touch pad in fact it is quite stupid. Wink

I hope you are I hope you're joking........... ;D ;D ;D

have someone else tried this touchpad??????

Try to check

Search for "touch screen" they have many.

From 2.59 $ (US) including free shipping

have thees touchpads the same features of the nintendo ds compatible touchpad?????

thank you very much for the answers!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I hope you are I hope you're joking

Yes - look up the difference between the word sensible and the word sensitive.

have thees touchpads the same features of the nintendo ds compatible touchpad

yes but remember that features have software to drive them so while the hardware might be the same the software needed to do something will have to be written by you.

I hope you are I hope you're joking...........

have someone else tried this touchpad??????

Yes, lots of other people have used this touchpad...

There is no need to use resistors, see my mood light project:


Yes - look up the difference between the word sensible and the word sensitive.

excuse me!!!! I've made a mistake!!!!!

yes but remember that features have software to drive them so while the hardware might be the same the software needed to do something will have to be written by you.

ok, but teorically with this "app", but source in english) couldn't I use any 4wired touchpad?????

I would use one of thees:

thank you!!!!

Yes you could use any 4 wire touch pad.

There might be some difference in the resolution of the different pads.

Any 4 wire resistive touch pad will work. You just have to figure out which connections are which. It is not difficult though...


thank you very much!!!!

now I'm waiting for the touchpad... as soon as possible I will start to make my project........ maybe I will publish it in the forum...

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

which touchpad of thes do you advise me?????

thank you very much!!!!!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I would recommend either the first or third, both the same touchpad designed for nintendo DS. You can also then buy a breakout board from sparkfun for it.
