Working on Arduino is one of the stepping stones for those who want to usher into the world of embedded systems. I want to understand about using arduino but due to my non engineering background I am facing problem in understanding the concepts given in the official guide on this official portal.
I want to know if their is 101 or dummy guide which can make things easier for me. I would also like to mention that in recent times I have got decent command over C and PHP programming, I hope that the combination of my programming logic and proper 101 (beginners guide) I can get started.
Please suggest a book,
I suggest mine, takes someone with some coding experience into the hardware world.
Can you tell us more about what background you have
I have studied Life Science till university level . I have got a Diploma in Computer Science. Quite comfortable with MS Operating Systems, Ubuntu, PHP and C
WIth your background I would start with buying an Arduino (or better 2) maybe some starterkit and just get started tinkering to get hands on experience.
Define a project you want to accomplish, e.g. monitoring some LS experiment, and gradually build that. step by step.