Arduino troubleshot with MySQL library and connection to computer

problem solved

Could you help me to make an INSERT ?

Until you are able to connect, that would be pointless.

Try connecting the Arduino with ethernet shield to your router, NOT your PC.

I don't have any router

My job is to make them connect directly between the computer ( database ) and the arduino , without anything else on the network.

Switch can do things that i would not understand, if you can't answer it's ok but don't tell me to use something that i would not use because i don't have one.

It's ok , i'm trying to use an ethernet shield 1 now to see if something change

but don't tell me to use something that i would not use because i don't have one.

How do you get your PC to connect to the internet, so you could post this?

I'm using what's called a Phone , do you know what is it ?

Man , i don't want to use a PHP page or a switch , my job for that project school is to communicate directly with the pc/database on it.

If you still dodge via other answers then don't anwser me , that doesn't help me.


PaulS raised valid points.
With an attitude like that, I wouldn't expect anyone to help you.
