arduino + ultrasonic fogger

I bought ultrasonic and want to make fogger "mist" maker. here

Anybody have experience with this or made that before to give me hints! how I can make that with Arduino!
I think 16hrtz can run this ultrasonic!?
Second thing is that dangerous on my ears! or pets! it say 36db from the datasheet! :roll_eyes:

16Hz is, if anything, infra-, not ultra-sonic

it say 36db from the datasheet

And a whisper is . . ?

Thanks, I don't know why there is nothing about ultrasonic mist on the web, I can't find any circuit diagram ether, top secret or something! the only thing I found is big old college researches. hmm lets read it, thanks again :roll_eyes:

I can't see where the 16Hz figure came from, but the page you linked specified 1.7MHz

Sorry by mistake, I meant Arduino Cristal 16MHz
I think I must read about it more to know what exactly the point that will make water a gas, before thinking of the circuit :slight_smile: if you have any hints just let me know

got a lot of hits for

ultrasonic humidifier piezo

Thanks allot @dave-in-nj that's exactly what i want, from what i read i don't even need arduino for this, let me make it run and i will back :slight_smile:

"Ultrasonic Mist" on Amazon turns up lots of hits for easy-to-use things like this:

It's DC too, so you could switch it easily with a FET if you wanted Arduino to turn it on and off, instead of having to switch the AC.

Get a pack of spare disks - I would typically go through 2-3 per winter when using that to humidify my room.

Actually I bought piezo circuit, what I want to do is control the frequency from my Arduino

There is allot of components, but I only need these in the pic

for now no luck, I still working on this.

If I could find how they connect this simple one it will be great