Arduino undefined NApowerCodes and EUpowerCodes

So I am trying to make an arduino based TV-B gone by this instructable:

Here is my wiring:

So my issue appears in Arduino.
When I first tried to verify the code I got an error saying I had to put const after the * in this code, both for EUpowerCodes and NApowerCodes:

"const struct IrCode *EUpowerCodes[] PROGMEM = {"

And So I filled out the const in the areas needed, but then I got this new error where there was an undefined reference to both EUpowerCodes and NApowerCodes. More specifically here's the error message:

Arduino:1.6.0 (Windows 8), Card "Arduino Uno"

TVB.cpp.o: In function `sendAllCodes()':
/Arduino/TVB.pde:261: undefined reference to `NApowerCodes'
/Arduino/TVB.pde:261: undefined reference to `NApowerCodes'
/Arduino/TVB.pde:264: undefined reference to `EUpowerCodes'
/Arduino/TVB.pde:264: undefined reference to `EUpowerCodes'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error by compiling.

The error occures at line 261 and 264, here I have the code from line 259 to 265:

259// point to next POWER code, from the right database
260    if (region == NA) {
261      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(NApowerCodes+i);
262    }
263    else {
264      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(EUpowerCodes+i);
265    }

Now I have tried putting "* cons" or just "const" in front of NApowerCodes and EUpowerCodes, and removing + i, and putting "const struct IrCode *EUpowerCodes[] PROGMEM = {" instead inside of the parenthesis.

Does anyone know what I did wrong or what I can add of code to fix this?

Attached is the TVB file with the undefined reference error.

Here is the code (I couldn't include the full code, but I have included what I think is most important. I have attached a file with the full file of the project if you want to take a look at that.

void sendAllCodes() {
  // startOver will become TRUE if the user pushes the Trigger button while transmitting the sequence of all codes
  startOver = FALSE;

  // determine region from REGIONSWITCH: 1 = NA, 0 = EU
  if (digitalRead(REGIONSWITCH)) {
    region = NA;
    num_codes = num_NAcodes;
  else {
    region = EU;
    num_codes = num_EUcodes;

  // for every POWER code in our collection
  for (i=0 ; i < num_codes; i++) {
    PGM_P data_ptr;

    // print out the code # we are about to transmit
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\r\n\rCode #: ");

    // point to next POWER code, from the right database
    if (region == NA) {
      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(NApowerCodes+i);
    else {
      data_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(EUpowerCodes+i);

    // print out the address in ROM memory we're reading
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rAddr: ");

    // Read the carrier frequency from the first byte of code structure
    const uint8_t freq = pgm_read_byte(data_ptr++);
    // set OCR for Timer1 to output this POWER code's carrier frequency
    OCR2A = freq;
    OCR2B = freq / 3; // 33% duty cycle

    // Print out the frequency of the carrier and the PWM settings
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rOCR1: ");
    DEBUGP(uint16_t x = (freq+1) * 2;
    putstring("\n\rFreq: ");

    // Get the number of pairs, the second byte from the code struct
    const uint8_t numpairs = pgm_read_byte(data_ptr++);
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rOn/off pairs: ");

    // Get the number of bits we use to index into the timer table
    // This is the third byte of the structure
    const uint8_t bitcompression = pgm_read_byte(data_ptr++);
    DEBUGP(putstring("\n\rCompression: ");

    // Get pointer (address in memory) to pulse-times table
    // The address is 16-bits (2 byte, 1 word)
    PGM_P time_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(data_ptr);
    code_ptr = (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(data_ptr);

    // Transmit all codeElements for this POWER code
    // (a codeElement is an onTime and an offTime)
    // transmitting onTime means pulsing the IR emitters at the carrier
    // frequency for the length of time specified in onTime
    // transmitting offTime means no output from the IR emitters for the
    // length of time specified in offTime

#if 0

tvb_file_with_undefined_reference (22.2 KB)

What do I do now?

You do what you were told to do in the stickies at the top of the forum. Go read them now.

By the way, instructables are the laughing stock of the internet. The blind leading the stupid. You really don't want to admit that you even considered doing any of the crap they propose.

You do what you were told to do in the stickies at the top of the forum. Go read them now.

Yes thank you I now read these posts and edited my own so now it looks better, however I still do not know what to do with my code.