Do you mean the maximum temperature of the reflow cycles?
This is the arduino code that I intend to use;
Toaster Oven SMT soldering control
Adrian Bowyer
2 November 2011
Licence: GPL
const int heatPin = 13; // the number of the LED pin. This also controls the heater
int heatState = LOW; // heatState used to set the LED and heater
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED/heater was updated
const long interval = 1000; // interval at which to sample temperature (milliseconds)
const int tempPin = 0; // Analogue pin for temperature reading
long time = 0; // Time since start in seconds
bool done=false; // Flag to indicate that the process has finished
// The temperature/time profile as {secs, temp}
// This profile is linearly interpolated to get the required temperature at any time.
// PLEN is the number of entries
#define PLEN 6
long profile[PLEN][2] = { {0, 15}, {120, 150}, {220, 183}, {280, 215}, {320, 183}, {350, 0} };
// Linearly interpolate the profile for the current time in secs, t
int target(long t)
if(t <= profile[0][0])
return profile[0][1];
if(t >= profile[PLEN-1][0])
done = true; // We are off the end of the time curve
return profile[PLEN-1][1];
for(int i = 1; i < PLEN-1; i++)
if(t <= profile*[0])*
_ return (int)(profile[i-1][1] + ((t - profile[i-1][0])(profile[1] - profile[i-1][1]))/_
_ (profile[0] - profile[i-1][0]));
return 0;
// Measure the actual temperature from the thermocouple*
int temperature()
return ( 5.0 * analogRead(tempPin) * 100.0) / 1024.0;
// Get the show on the road
void setup() {
* pinMode(heatPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(tempPin, INPUT);
Serial.println("\n\n\nTime, target, temp");
done = false;
// Go round and round*
void loop()
* int t;
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();*_
* if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval)*
* {*
* previousMillis = currentMillis; // set next time*
* // Get the actual temperature*
* t = temperature();*
* // One second has passed*
* time++; *
* // Find the target temperature*
* int tg = target(time);*
* // Simple bang-bang temperature control*
* if (t < tg)*
* {*
* heatState = HIGH;*
* } else*
* {*
* heatState = LOW;*
* }*
* // Turn the heater on or off (and the LED)*
* digitalWrite(heatPin, heatState);*
* // Keep the user amused*
* if(done)*
* {*
* Serial.print((char)0x07); // Bell to wake the user up...*
* Serial.print((char)0x07);*
* Serial.print("FINISHED ");*
* }*
* Serial.print(time);*
* Serial.print(", ");*
* Serial.print(tg);*
* Serial.print(", ");*
* Serial.println(t);*
* }*
Thanks for your help