Arduino Uno: Analog Pins

Can Arduino analog pins read voltage and after that give it back?
(reading voltage like multimeter or something)


What do you mean by "give it back"?

Analog pins can measure the voltage (as long as it shares a common ground with the Arduino and the voltage applied to the pin does not exceed Vcc (5v for an Uno)). They cannot output an analog voltage - the Arduino Uno has 6 pins that can output PWM, but this is not the same as an analog voltage.

What do you mean by "give it back"?

Analog pins can measure the voltage (as long as it shares a common ground with the Arduino and the voltage applied to the pin does not exceed Vcc (5v for an Uno)). They cannot output an analog voltage - the Arduino Uno has 6 pins that can output PWM, but this is not the same as an analog voltage.

Okay, can PWM be converted as same voltage as analogRead() voltage


Before a month ago i bought Ultradrone x31, a Chinese quadcopter toy, it uses 2.4GCOB-1A transmitter, i've got a project to drive the drone from Wi-Fi, or when i move the drone with its controller this move to be saved and later used, can I do that?

I'm not an expert on the subject but like in the Love-o-meter project where you read currents from a TMP and output those using


or to a LCD. I haven't got around to using the thing that much..

So basically you'd start a program using


name the pin (A0 etc) and read that with


and use


to output the values to the host.

It'd be nifty if there was a scanner for port data (unless there already is..)

Analog read is 10bits precision
PWM is only 8bits precision and filtering is mandatory

It is possible. Not hard but I am afraid too complicated for absolute beginner. IIRC simple RC controls have 8 bit precision only so 8 bit PWM should be OK. More important question is if the PWM is fast enough. If not you can use a DAC (digital to analog converter). Either use Arduino with DAC or get an external chip.