Arduino UNO and 1.3 OLED compatibility

Hi all, Arduino UNO has pin arrangement - GND 5V SDA SCL - while OLED
has - GND 5V SCL SDA - making it impossible to use flat 4 wire cable. Is this normal or do I just have a cheap clone?

Fascinating! :grin:

And on just what part of an Arduino UNO do you find these particular connections? Please provide an image.

Why not swap the pins over at one end? I do that all the time to use flat cable to wire up things.

But a UNO does not have these four pins together!

("AREF" is not a 5 V supply pin in case there is some bizarre confusion here! :astonished:)

Yes I know that but all the generic UNO I have are the same and they provide 3 rows of 4 pins for just this kind of thing.

Yes but does not answer the question.

So it sounds like they are not UNOs. What are they?

OK so to answer the question then
No you can't wire it like this.
Three possible reasons

  1. it is a conspiracy against you wiring it like you think you should.

  2. it is a cockup and if all the third party vendors had got their act together life would be fine.

  3. you have totally unrealistic expectations about electronics and how it should work.

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