while programming "player_miditest" upload ends regularly, after some seconds I got:
- avrdude:stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding - followed by
- avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1,2... 10 of 10: noyt in sync: resp=0x29 -
Waiting for help,
The best
while programming "player_miditest" upload ends regularly, after some seconds I got:
- avrdude:stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding - followed by
- avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1,2... 10 of 10: noyt in sync: resp=0x29 -
Waiting for help,
The best
Considering where this thread was first posted I felt that it looked like a Poe-troll, but that does not make it one.
Those errors indicate the Arduino board is not plugged into the USB |or| that the IDE does not have the proper serial channel set |or| that the board is not recognized at all.
I think that's all the possibles, those 2 lines kind of translate to "Where's the board?".