I have made a bluetooth car using Arduino UNO, l298d motor driver and hc05 bluetooth module but when I try to connect my car through the app it works for like 6 to 10 seconds the it automatically stops working. I need to rerun the code the it runs and then again stops. When it stops it should like when I press the forward button the TX pin on Arduino starts blinking very little. I used this tutorial https://youtu.be/tujih1afqiE?si=66d9CMu8Orq-HqRy
Nobody is going to be able to tell you what you did wrong without being able to see what you did. Post your code and a schematic of your connections at least.
https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Make-Bluetooth-Controlled-Car-Using-Arduino/. Here is the link of the website I followed it has circuit diagram and code included in it
Ok. When youre ready for help then post the code here. Not the example you followed but what you actually have in your editor. Then post the schematic here, not the example you followed but what you actually have.
I will wait.
That is typical of power supply problems.
Motors must be powered separately from the Arduino and Bluetooth, as the motor electrical noise will often cause the processor to reset. Don't forget to connect all the grounds!
But in the example they use a single batter and powered motor driver and all motors and hc05. Ok I will try thank you so much for replying I will try and give the reports