Hello -
Today I started attempting to interface a SparkFun MiniGen (SparkFun MiniGen - Pro Mini Signal Generator Shield - BOB-11420 - SparkFun Electronics) with an Arduino Uno. The MiniGen shield has male breakaway pins soldered to be used on a prototyping board, and I have soldered the jumper over the voltage regulator to use the MiniGen with 5 V instead of the Arduino Mini's 3.3 V.
I have installed the MiniGen libraries (MiniGen Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn) and designed a sketch following the tutorial and the example code. My original code is found on the pastebin site here.
The communication is done via SPI, so I have connected D13 to SCLK, D11 to SDATA and D10 to FSYNC on the MiniGen. So far, I haven't been able to get the communication going.
Initially, I was only measuring the output signal being generated and wasn't getting the expected result, so I decided to check out the SPI signals. I used a GWInstek GDS-1102B Digital Storage Oscilloscope to get a snapshot of the SCK signal, which doesn't look like a clock at all. I have attached an image of the snapshot.
Any and all help is welcome.