Hi yes I,m a noob. I've had my Uno for about a year and have got along quite fine copying others sketches.
Recently I bought a picoborg Reverse ( intended for a raspberry pi) PiBorg | PicoBorg Reverse - Dual 5A Motor Controller
I prefer to use it with my Uno. I've downloaded the example files uploaded them and got the motors turning as they should. it comes with a helpful GUI which works fine. I'm a happy bunny. Unfortunately thats all i've managed to do. I can't seem to be able to manipulate the sketch.
My intentions are to use it in a model railway for my autistic son so very basic functions are needed eg. push button train will run in one direction for a given time, slow down, stop and run in reverse in a never ending loop.
Yes I know it might be easier to buy a arduino motor shield but I have this now so would like to use it.
I can attach the files if anyone cares to look at them. any help is appreciated.