My arduino uno is not recognized by the Arduino IDE. I'm using 1.8.0, The IDE is not showing the COM. The tool section is showing only COM 1, i.e. the hardware.
I opened Device manager, there is no board for UNO.
Help me please.
My arduino uno is not recognized by the Arduino IDE. I'm using 1.8.0, The IDE is not showing the COM. The tool section is showing only COM 1, i.e. the hardware.
I opened Device manager, there is no board for UNO.
Help me please.
The fact that there does not appear to be anything showing at all might indicate the board is dead.
Does it even make the "hardware connected sound" ?
Have you tried different USB cables ?
Is it a clone ?
Do you have anything connected to pins 0 and 1 ?
Maybe best if you READ THIS POST first then add any additional information.
I don't know if the board is dead or not. But the LEDs do work*(near pin 13 and LED which indicates the board is on or off)*
No, when I connect the board it does not make "hardware connected sound"
No, I haven't tried other USB cable because I don't have any.
Yes, I do think it is a clone.
No, nothing is connected to my board not even on pins 0 and 1.
My arduino Nano work fine but UNO doesn't.
I have installed CH340 driver.
I have 3 Arduino IDE versions:- 1.8.0, 1.8.9, and 1.8.10
Can I use ICSP pins to upload my code??
Some clones also use the CP2102 driver (different from the CH340/341)
You really should try another cable and even possibly another computer to rule out the board completely.
Chinese USB cables can be notorious for failing without reason.
It is often possible to upload code via the ICSP pins.
However if the board was damaged there is no guarantee that the code will execute properly.
Definitely test with a known good cable. There is a plague of bad USB cables - I think many boards and kits are shipping with poorly made USB cables with high DOA rate, and high failure rate during use (from normal flexing of the cable), with the typical symptom being that power is delivered, but data transfer doesn't work, which is what you're experiencing. Some people also have problems with USB 3.0 ports (this is getting less common - it depends on the specific USB 3.0 chipset and driver version on the computer; early USB 3.0 implementations had backwards compatibility issues with normal USB 2.0 devices)