Arduino UNO - char array with numbers to different int values

Hi all,

I have been searching and trying around but at the moment I am stuck. I am trying to do the following:

I have a char array which comes in via the Arduino WiFi Shield:

char charBuffer[255];
int rxLen =,255);

The char array will look as follows:


The goal is to do the following:

int inCMD;
int inID;
int inLENGTH;
int inDATA[8];

inCMD = cmd;        //range:  0 <-> 99   --> so max 2 chars in the array
inID = id;          //range:  0 <-> 999  --> so max 3 chars in the array
inLENGTH = Length;  //range:  0 <-> 8    --> so always 1 char in the array
inDATA[0] = data1;  //range:  0 <-> 999  --> so max 3 chars in the array per dataX
inDATA[1] = data2;
inDATA[2] = data3;

The * is to mark the start of the array.
The | is to separate all data from each other.
The # is to mark the end of the array.

How can I now go through the char array and take out the different variables I need and transform them in the ints that I need? I just need a starting hand, to get me on my way :slight_smile: I am not that familiar with working with chars and Strings.

How can I now go through the char array and take out the different variables

That sounds remarkably like why strtok() was developed.

and transform them in the ints that I need?

That sounds remarkably like why atoi() was developed.

Hello Paul !

Thanks a lot, it's up and running :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

For whom would need "a" solution, here it is:

char packetBuffer[] = "*|10|125|8|23|254|1|0|255|1|0|255#"; 
const int  MAX_STRING_LEN = 44;
char stringBuffer[MAX_STRING_LEN+1];

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  char *str;
  char *p;
  int i=0;
  int DATA[15];
  int PAYLOAD[8];
  strncpy(stringBuffer, packetBuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN); 
  for( str = strtok_r(stringBuffer, "|", &p);       
       str = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &p)                

  Serial.print("CMD: ");
  Serial.print("ID: ");
  Serial.print("LENGTH: ");
    Serial.print("Data: ");