Arduino Uno Configuration

Hello, i'm trying to connect my Arduino UNO Card to these components :

  • LCD screen 16x2
  • Push button
  • Bluetooth Module HC-05

The problem is i can't figure out how to connect them , do i have enough pins to do it ?

can any one schematize it for ?

I really need help ...

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Can you tell us your electronics, programming, Arduino, hardware experience?

Is this a class project?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile:

I'm new with Arduino i learned about LCDs , and LEDS , i'm learning it by myself , i'm trying to make a star with bluetooths

If you are new to Arduinos I suggest you put the LCD to one side for the moment and concentrate on learning how to connect and use the other parts. Start with a simple program to turn an LED on and off when you press a button.

Then write a separate simple program to learn about Bluetooth. As you are using an Uno you should learn about SoftwareSerial

For using the Bluetooth module the examples in Serial Input Basics will be useful. They can also be used with SoftwareSerial


Further to @Robin2's advice, with so many components tackle them one by one first and make sure you understand how to drive them on their own. This will help you build your knowledge incrementally and not get discouraged by not being able to make everything work together first time. It also gives you some fallback positions, in that you can say it was working on its own but when I added X it stopped working, so it is X that has caused the problem.

do i have enough pins to do it ?

And the answer is yes. Even if you use a plain vanilla version of the 16x2 LCD, you can do it with pins to spare, typically :-

Bluetooth pins 0,1
LCD pins 2,3,4,5,11,12
LEDs pins 6,7,8
button pin 9

Note that it is common to use LCDs on the I2C bus, whereby they make do with only two pins. Also, the analogue pins, none of which are used in the above example, may be used for digital signals.

But then you have to unplug the Bluetooth to be able to upload a new program to the UNO. That gets old very fast - about the time you do it a little bit too fast and bend one of the pins so far that it snaps off.

There should be a zillion examples online using SoftwareSerial for the Bluetooth.

It highly depends on what your Arduino must do at the end of the day. You have sufficient pins to connect everything but how it is wired depends on your needs. E.g. if you also need 3 analog inputs (or want to keep that option open), the below will not work.

I would start with the leds; if you want to be able to dim them (or like to keep that option open), you have limited options.
9, 10, 11

Next pick two pins for the bluetooth; I would stay away from the hardware serial port (pins 0 and 1) as it's a useful debugging tool.
6 and 7

Next the lcd or the button; to keep options open for possible external interrupts, I would use pins 4 and 5 and 4 analog pins for the lcd.
4, 5, A0, A1, A2, A3

And next pick a remaining pin for the button.