I can't install the correct drivers for my Arduino UNO board.
I'm running Windows 10.
This is how my Device Manager looks like:
I tried following these steps out to manually install the drivers, but had no luck:
I've found this post saying it could be a non official Arduino board:
Hello! I just bought an Arduino UNO board and this is my first time ever working with it.
I followed the instructions in order to install the IDE, but I couldn't connect to my board because I couldn't find my port.
This is how my Device Manager looks like.
I tried connecting to a different USB port but with no success.
When opening the USB Serial with the yellow flag on it, this is what is written at Device Status:
"The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
There a…
But I'm not sure if that's the case here, this is my board:
I wasn't able to figure out the label spoken of in the post, so I believe it's an official UNO board.
That is a CLONE and it uses a CH340 driver.
See links below to guide you to the driver
Could you review How to get the best out of this forum as it will help you find your way around.
Or you can use the forum search for CH340.
@Ballscrewbob how were you able to identify that it's a clone?
All I need to know was in the picture.
See the chip near the USB port.
It is always a clue.
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just before few hours I used the same board first time and downloaded the drivers from following link. I am using windows 10 and within few minutes drivers are installed and board started working.
please check if it works for you, because board looks same.
This is what an original looks like
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May 15, 2021, 9:10pm
For security purposes, I strongly recommend always getting drivers from the manufacturer's website. For the CH340 USB chip on your board, that is here:
Thanks, that did the trick.
it really worked
thanks you
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Thank you, days of research took seconds to install and everything work. Thank you.
December 4, 2021, 10:46pm
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