Arduino uno DS1245 SRAMs reading and writing bin file

Hi all, Have only done simple programs nothing like this . Is this posable ? wanting to be able to read and write bin file 32k in size onto a dallas DS1245 SRAMs. Have searched the net have no found anything . Please help .

So these:

The datasheet describes what you need to do:

But does a UNO have enough pins?


Or are you talking UNO R4?

What is the object of the exercise?

I have read the datasheet tbh it is above my head to do by myself.

Object is having a vehicle ecm that i could have multiple OS stored and switched with say a bluetooth phone .

I have a uno but if there is another platform that would work better i would change to it .

Here is my EEPROM programmer....Should be compatible with that SRAM too.

Why not use an SD Card instead?

That will be a lot easier, and there are plenty of examples available...

Again, what Arduino are you thinking of using?

On most, you will need to provide a bootloader to reprogram the microcontroller from your storage device...

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I have a programing unit that uses the ds1245 chip for emulation of the eprom 27c256 was thinking i could join the two . could a sd card work like a 27c256?

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