Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield + NRF24L01

Hi there.. i have a question.. is there any possibility that i use arduino uno with ethernet shield and NRF24L01? when i compile my code without ethernet shield it runs well.. but if i include the ethernet shield.. it will not produce the output.. i found out from their library that both of it using the same pin on the arduino uno.. how do i overcome this problem? i've been searching this problem in this forum but nothing helps me.. can anyone tells me what should i do to make it run.

Thanks in advance!

Each SPI device needs a separate SlaveSelect pin. The default is Pin 10 which the Ethernet controller uses. The SD Card slot on the Ethernet Shield uses Pin 4. Pick an unused pin for your NRF24L01. The library for the NRF24L01 should let you specify the pin number and should take care of restoring the SPI registers every time you access the device.

Hi johnwasser! thank you for your reply.. did you mean that i must declare all the 7 pins of my nrf24l01 into the program? right now i just declare the CE pin and CSN pin..

Hi johnwasser! thank you for your reply.. did you mean that i must declare all the 7 pins of my nrf24l01 into the program? right now i just declare the CE pin and CSN pin..

When using the SPI interface, three of the UNO pins are always shared: Pin 11, Pin 12, and Pin 13. You don't need to 'declare' them, you just have to connect them correctly.