Arduino Uno + Firmata


I Have one arduino uno, i test the Firmata Test Program from and i can comunicate with arduino uno, but if i try to use any of the programs from FirmataVB - Downloads page, i try to turn a led on and it don't do nothing.

Can anyone help me?

Best Regards,
Marco Gaspar

Your frustration is clear, and understandable. But, is doesn't help us help you when you say:

but if i try to use any of the programs from FirmataVB - Downloads page, i try to turn a led on and it don't do nothing.

There are a number of links on that page. Which one are you trying to use? What is uploaded on the Arduino?


I try to use all of them, and nothing

Which one are you trying to use?

I try to use all of them

What is uploaded on the Arduino?

and nothing

Did I match your answers to the questions, correctly?

On the arduino i put (Firmata Arduino 0012. Use File -> Open -> Examples > Library-Firmata > StandardFirmata for the standard firmware that works with most host implementations)

I test with the Firmata Test Program from and i can turn on the led, then when i try to use ArduinoFirmataVBExtended from FirmataVB - Downloads page and i try to turn the led on and i don't do nothing, i only see the TX/RX led blink 1 time.