I Have one arduino uno, i test the Firmata Test Program from http://firmata.org/wiki/Main_Page and i can comunicate with arduino uno, but if i try to use any of the programs from FirmataVB - Downloads page, i try to turn a led on and it don't do nothing.
On the arduino i put (Firmata Arduino 0012. Use File -> Open -> Examples > Library-Firmata > StandardFirmata for the standard firmware that works with most host implementations)
I test with the Firmata Test Program from http://firmata.org/wiki/Main_Page and i can turn on the led, then when i try to use ArduinoFirmataVBExtended from FirmataVB - Downloads page and i try to turn the led on and i don't do nothing, i only see the TX/RX led blink 1 time.