arduino uno interfacing with uart wifi

hi i am a beginner and I'm trying to interface arduino uno board with a uart wifi module esp8266 to create a soft access point but I'm unable to flash the code onto the uno module. I'm getting a timeout and connection error while uploading the code. Help!

wiring? AT firmware version? esp8266 module version? library? sketch?

Totally lacking any details that may help us help you. What is the code that you are trying to upload to the Uno? Can you upload other sketches to the Uno? Like the blink example for instance? How is the ESP connected to the Uno? Is it connected to the hardware serial (pins 0 and 1 of the UNO) or a software serial connection?

Read the how to use this forum-please read sticky to see how to properly post code and some advice on how to ask a good question. Remove useless white space and format the code with the IDE autoformat tool (crtl-t or Tools, Auto Format) before posting code.