Arduino Uno + Light Sensor

Hello Folks,

Could anyone please assist us (group of student) in the Control of a small CMOS Light sensor used in Cameras. We want to control it using an Arduino Uno.

This is the light sensor we are using:

***On Page 6 it has the typical Configuration schemata shown.
***Could we use any of the example code given on the Arduino IDE to help us get up and running?

Thank you very much in advance for any comments

better use LDR for this purpose cheap and best..simply use analog read program to callibrate that

The reason to why we need to use a Light sensor is to be able to sense 2D light spectrum.

Were a group of students and were trying to build a Raman Spectrometer using cheap equipment and an Arduino to control it.
Were using the i2C connection.
Here is our logic flow

Our Logic Flow and Schemata to attach it to the Arduino is attached

Logic-FLow.tiff (54.5 KB)

Arduino+CMOS.tiff (96.2 KB)

This is our code:
But were not quite sure exactly how it works since I'm understanding how the charges in the pixels are transferred??

#define cmosaddress 0xBB

void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial for output

void getcmosdata(byte *a, byte *b){
Wire.requestFrom(cmosaddress, 2);
*a =;
*b =;

void showcmosdata(){
byte aa,bb;
float light = aa;
float light2 = bb;
void loop(){

  byte aa,bb;

Uninitialized local variables.

  float light = aa;
  float light2 = bb;

Now, the garbage is a pair of floats.


The garbage does NOT correspond to voltage. You have NOT read anything from the sensor.

This is our code:
But were not quite sure exactly how it works

It doesn't.