Hello everyone,
I have built a system for my fire station that opens the bay doors automatically when we show up and will close them 15 minutes later after we've left. However, the Arduino seems to be locking up, or at least not responding to input after a time period. Any ideas what might be causing it? I've attached the .ino and a wiring diagram. I'm using a 2amp 12v power supply that runs the Arduino, 1x 6-Channel relay board, 1x 1-channel relay board, 1 motion sensor (30ma at 12v draw max).
Project Basics:
- There are 4 doors
- There is a relay attached to each door button
- There are 4 door sensors (one for each door)
- There are 2 lighting relays, one to cut power (for blinking) and one to bypass the switch (to turn the lights on if the switch is off)
- When the pager tones are received, a relay is triggered to start the siren, I used the other side of the relay to trigger the project
- Once triggered, it waits for motion on the sensor near the man door to open the bay doors and turn on the lights
- 15 minutes later it will flash the lights and close the doors
//Import Libraries
#include <ezButton.h>
// Configuration Variables
int TimeDoorsOpen = 900; // This is the time in seconds that the doors will remain open
// Map constant names to IO pins
const byte Furnace_Rly = 13;
const byte LightOn_Rly = 12;
const byte LightOff_Rly = 11;
const byte Door1_Rly = 10;
const byte Door2_Rly = 9;
const byte Door3_Rly = 8;
const byte Door4_Rly = 7;
// Define EZButton
ezButton Door1_Sen(6);
ezButton Door2_Sen(5);
ezButton Door3_Sen(4);
ezButton Door4_Sen(3);
ezButton Tone_Sen(2);
ezButton Motion_Sen(1);
// Create System Variables
volatile int SecCount = 9000; // Used for counting seconds from Timer 1 overflow
bool OpenDoors = false; // Opening the doors
bool CloseDoors = false; //Boolean value for Closing the doors
bool FlashLight = false; // Boolean value for flashing the lights
bool SystemActivated = false; // Boolean value for the system being activated
int Door1_State; // State of the door sensor
int Door2_State; // State of the door sensor
int Door3_State; // State of the door sensor
int Door4_State; // State of the door sensor
int Furnace_Tmr; // Furnace Timer
void setup(){
// Setup EZButton
Door1_Sen.setDebounceTime(250); // set debounce time to 250 milliseconds
Door2_Sen.setDebounceTime(250); // set debounce time to 250 milliseconds
Door3_Sen.setDebounceTime(250); // set debounce time to 250 milliseconds
Door4_Sen.setDebounceTime(250); // set debounce time to 250 milliseconds
Tone_Sen.setDebounceTime(250); // set debounce time to 250 milliseconds
Motion_Sen.setDebounceTime(250); // set debounce time to 250 milliseconds
// Setup IO pins
pinMode(Furnace_Rly, OUTPUT); // Relay to turn the furnace off
pinMode(LightOn_Rly, OUTPUT); // Override Light On Control Relay
pinMode(LightOff_Rly, OUTPUT); // Ovveride Light Off Control Relay
pinMode(Door1_Rly, OUTPUT); // Bay 1 Door Relay
pinMode(Door2_Rly, OUTPUT); // Bay 2 Door Relay
pinMode(Door3_Rly, OUTPUT); // Bay 3 Door Relay
pinMode(Door4_Rly, OUTPUT); // Bay 4 Door Relay
// Define timer parameters
TCCR1A = 0; // Setup the Timer Register A
TCCR1B = 0; // Setup the Timer Register B
TCNT1 = 3036; // Offsetting the timer to be 1 second (initial)
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS12); // Setup the Timer Prescaler
TIMSK1 |= (1<<TOIE1); // Setup Overflow interrupt
if (SecCount == 9000){ // Initialization
SecCount = TimeDoorsOpen - 17; // Trigger the sequence
digitalWrite(LightOn_Rly, HIGH); // Turn Lights On
SecCount = SecCount + 1; //Incriment the counter by 1 second
if (SecCount > 7200){SecCount = 3600;} // Reset timer if it reaches 2 hours to prevent overflow of the integer
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 17){FlashLight = true;} // Preload the relay
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 15){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 13){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 11){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 9){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 7){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 5){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 3){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen - 1){FlashLight = true;} // Light Flash
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen){CloseDoors = true;} // Close the doors
if (SecCount == TimeDoorsOpen + 20 ){digitalWrite(LightOn_Rly, LOW);} // Turn off the lights
TCNT1 = 3036; // Adjust the quarts timer closer to 1 second (repeated)
void loop(){
// EZButton
// System Activation by Tone, don't reactivate within 15 seconds
if (Tone_Sen.isReleased()){
if (SecCount > 15){
SystemActivated = true;
SecCount = 0;
digitalWrite(LightOn_Rly, HIGH); // Turn Lights On
// Trigger Doors open when motion is sensed within the response time
if (Motion_Sen.isReleased()){
if (SystemActivated == true){
if(SecCount < TimeDoorsOpen - 1){
SystemActivated = false;
OpenDoors = true;
SecCount = 0;
// Read Door Sensors
Door1_State = Door1_Sen.getState();
Door2_State = Door2_Sen.getState();
Door3_State = Door3_Sen.getState();
Door4_State = Door4_Sen.getState();
if (OpenDoors == true) { // This section will run the process for opening the doors and turning on the lights
OpenDoors = false; // Set the flag back to not trigger on next loop
if (Door1_State == LOW) { // Sense if Door 1 is Open
digitalWrite(Door1_Rly, HIGH); // Open Door 1 if not open
if (Door2_State == LOW) { // Sense if Door 2 is Open
digitalWrite(Door2_Rly, HIGH); // Open Door 2 if not open
if (Door3_State == LOW) { // Sense if Door 3 is Open
digitalWrite(Door3_Rly, HIGH); // Open Door 3 if not open
if (Door4_State == LOW) { // Sense if Door 4 is Open
digitalWrite(Door4_Rly, HIGH); // Open Door 4 if not open
delay(750); // Wait for 750 millisecond(s)
digitalWrite(Door1_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
digitalWrite(Door2_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
digitalWrite(Door3_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
digitalWrite(Door4_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
if(FlashLight == true){ // This section will flash the lights by overriding them off
FlashLight = false; // Set the flag back to not trigger on next loop
digitalWrite(LightOff_Rly, HIGH); // Switch the lights off override on
delay(900); // Wait 250 miliseconds
digitalWrite(LightOff_Rly, LOW); // Switch the lights off override off
if(CloseDoors == true){ // This section will close the doors and turn the lights off
CloseDoors = false; // Set the flag back to not trigger on next loop
if (Door1_State == HIGH) { // Sense if Door 1 is Closed
digitalWrite(Door1_Rly, HIGH); // Close Door 1 if not Closed
if (Door2_State == HIGH) { // Sense if Door 2 is Closed
digitalWrite(Door2_Rly, HIGH); // Close Door 2 if not Closed
if (Door3_State == HIGH) { // Sense if Door 3 is Closed
digitalWrite(Door3_Rly, HIGH); // Close Door 3 if not Closed
if (Door4_State == HIGH) { // Sense if Door 4 is Closed
digitalWrite(Door4_Rly, HIGH); // Close Door 4 if not Closed
delay(250); // Wait for 250 milliseconds
digitalWrite(Door1_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
digitalWrite(Door2_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
digitalWrite(Door3_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
digitalWrite(Door4_Rly, LOW); // Close door switch after a delay
// Shutdown Furnace if doors are open
if((Door1_State == HIGH) || (Door2_State == HIGH) || (Door3_State == HIGH) || (Door4_State == HIGH)) {
digitalWrite(Furnace_Rly, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Furnace_Rly, LOW);
delay(10); // Delay to assist with processing
Station_Automation_Programming.ino (7.17 KB)