I need a small monochrome backlit LED with sufficient resolution to display a (scrolling) list of available audiobooks in MicroSD card(s). I have noted a number of serial devices that appear to use an on-board character set. Since I will need to deal with many non Roman fonts (Kanji, Cantonese & abugida for example), a parallel device which has a copy of the screen memory mapped would seem ideal. In fact, I'm pretty certain that a memory-mapped screen will be a requirement as one of the efficiency goals is the effective usage of kerning so shading pretty much demands sub-pixel rendering. I'm old enough to remember thinking that the N64's sub-pixel rendering was a really cool idea!
I also need a slot for a MicroSD card so I was hooping someone could point me at the correct shield and LED then I would be very grateful. I have bought a separate MicroSD reader (for £1.53!) but only then did I think about a shield being the way to go.
I am also interested in knowing if the monochrome LED screens can output shades by rapidly switching pixels on and off is possible. If all goes well then I will place an Intel compatible cubic curve, Autodesks splines or whichever standard I can use without patent or copyright infringement.
I'm imagining 256-320 pixels wide with 48-72 pixels tall. As long as I can manage to keep the average width & height of the glyphs to 12 x 12 (including kerning) then I would have a LOT of space.
I cannot detail the project further than saying that success and failure rely on how fast I can get around 2K of assembly language code to execute. 18 cycles for 1 fragment was just a little too slow... today I've found a method that does the same in 17 cycles.... so now it runs!