I searched just about everywhere online and having probably one of the most miserable times with this.
Im trying to connect my Arduino uno to my Arduino motorshield R3 and wire a Unipolar stepper motor to it. So far I have found some references but its to a different type of Arduino motor shield like in a bipolar stepper. Then I found people plugging the Motorshield directly on top of the arduino uno, yet the pins don't line up in my case. and what wiring diagram on the Arduino stepper unipolar circuit doesnt reference how to wire to an arduino motor shield just to an Darlington array. Im definitely a beginner but Im just trying to drive a motor which hooks up to a camera and it has to move in a precise fashion which means having a logic control and a stepper to get it exact and repeatable. Anyone have a simple reference I can use so that I can get past this point?
The newer Unos (rev 3) have four extra pins. You don't need to use those. The shield should still plug in, omitting four pins (basically two on one side and two on the other, nearest to the USB socket).
Dude you are awesome!
I wanted to make sure before removing pins so they dont come into contact with a couple capacitors on the other side. te pins are labled io ref and the a blank on one side, the other scl and sda.And I found a way to wire a unipolar stepper to be used as a bipolar stepper, which will make things just easier! Again thank you again!
I have removed the power jumper from the motorshield because I have a separate power supply for the motorshield, but when I plug in the usb cable to the Arduino, I get a small amount of power to the motorshield, causing the stepper to vibrate, even when I have removed the battery from the motorshield.
How do I keep the usb power from powering the motorshield?