Arduino uno ohm meter

Hi please help me how to generate the code below how to print in Lcd 20X4 in 3 connections RX 5V GND

int analogPin= 0;
int raw= 0;
int Vin= 5;
float Vout= 0;
float R1= 1000;
float R2= 0;
float buffer= 0;

void setup()

void loop()
raw= analogRead(analogPin);
buffer= raw * Vin;
Vout= (buffer)/1024.0;
buffer= (Vin/Vout) -1;
R2= R1 * buffer;
Serial.print("Vout: ");
Serial.print("R2: ");

Please give more information on what you require. Also your experience in programming and electronics.


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Hello thanks for the respond the code is work to serial monitor i want to print in lcd
i study in my own using a arduino forum great hobby to generate codes

how to print in Lcd 20X4

I think you should look at some tutorials on how to use a LCD.